What is it with people and fetuses?
About 2 months ago there was a story in the news about an abortion doctor doing the same thing except he wasn’t just keeping the fetuses he was eating them as well. I wish I could find the story now. It was pretty f’d up.
its true, I just talked to god…he said your all going to hell…and invade Iran
How do you make a fetus float?
Take your foot off his head.
so what’s the bad news? That’s where all the cool people are going.
thats some really messed up shit…why anyone in their right mind would want dead babies laying around is beyond me. well obviuosly he’s not in his right mind
[adam sandler voice] all the cool people are doing it [/adam sandler voice]
404 - Sarcasm Not Found
i was backing up the bad joke that came before me
lol, wasnt a joke… I read all of skurges post… except the last line apparently.