its crazy round here i live no more than 5 minutes from where hes suposidly sure he already snuck out of the parimeter and is long gone
he is at the paintroom eating with pewter and lou
don’t worry, he wouldn’t get away in it… what if he came across a speed bump or something that the fine Pa roads dish out… the probe wouldn’t have the clearance to get over it
somthin is up its 1240 and mad cops went flying past towards neweagle
they might have got him
i bet if he went to UT they would never find him. He could even become a pro wrester that drives a mustang
He is captured!!!
must of found him at ragtop’s house
ut=fayate county,he was loooooooooooose in washington county!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :shaggy:
i was drivin back to cal on 43 yestrday and saw about 100 cop cars ligning the street and woods up on the hill…and some more cop sdown on 43 with rifles pointed up towards the woods…
The Probe and the Chevelle are hiding in the garage