man hunt

in washington county!!!what do u think about it!!!

I want a grand fury as a getaway car some :bowrofl: day

i saw that there were 4 schools shut down.

now the kids are at home and can be taken hostage… should have sent them to school and had 10 troopers at each school.

but they said there was no way that he got out of the radius and i bet he is long gone by now. :dunno:

he’s in mexico banging sum skanks gonzo style :itr41:

there was a manhunt a few years ago in then north hills. guy killed his wife in coriopolis and then ended up runnign around the golf course i worked at all day. finally killed himself in my buddies neighborhood

pretty :cool: if you ask me

your disturbing.

they better look out…they said on TV he was a mountain boy thats why he is so dongerous

no whats up with this manhunt?
i didn’t hear anything about it.

watch the news jack ass

He could be @ 2fnfast house right now taking a big dump and playing w/ his pooch :bowrofl:



dude was shooting with a ‘high powered rifle’… i think we’ll get him… cap that dude in the head!!!

that dude looks like a child malester.

leave the mouth good for suncawk though :kekekegay


he does not look like me

so u malest sunhawk???

left field and the outfielder dropped it :bowrofl: