man, i eat some weird crap...

I ate dog treats once on a bet, they were hard as fuck to choke down. Tasted like nothing bad, but dryer than crackers, and really fiberous.

eggs and salsa for the win



Once when I was like 3 years old I made a PB and raisin sandwich. I didn’t like it and didn’t finish it. I did however eat the Mayo and pickle sandwich I made.

I don’t eat anything really weird, but I usually just eat elements of entire meals.

I eat frosting, peanut butter, toffee chips, marshmellows, imitation crab meat with nothing else and not all at the same time. Sometimes its just too much work to break out bread, jelly and peanut butter to make a sandwich.

tuna and hot sauce

I’m charcoal grilling/smoking a whole turkey breast right now. Not so much strange as simply amazing. The smoke taste will go through the entire thing, and the outside 1/4" or so tastes just like bacon.


My eating habits are hard to explain.Im not a fussy person and i’ll give anything a try.It has to be healthy though.

I like salads,sushi,pasta & wheat pasta,vegtables,lean cuts of meat,seafood.

The only things I dislike are things loaded with salt & poor mans shit like TV dinners,non-diet soda,juice that isnt pure 100% juice.Gotta love when people wont give children soda because its bad and they give them juice with high fructose corn syrup.

we just to eat a lot of weird crap back in Puerto Rico that I just don’t know where to start

I told you before. Crap isn’t vegan Newman!

Peanut-butter-mayo-butter & jelly sandwich > *

And for every animal Newman doesn’t eat I’ll eat two. :tup:

i once ate a cigarette for a 6-pack of labatt ice, half a pack of cigarettes, $14, and 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers…

So cook that for the block party next year…

pickled herring

Make up some ramen then when the noodles are softened drain the water and add ketchup, it is as tasty as it is weird

[color=black]Be adventurous and try other condiments like Franks hot sauce


I’ve had plain ramen noodles with hawaiian style sweet-and-sour sauce. that was yummy. I can’t imagine any white condiments tasting good with ramen though

Dammit I could go for a Plate right now…

I know this is a mainly Buffalo forum but I don’t have to explain do I?

Guess I can’t complain since I’m currently eating salmon covered in baby shrimp, jumbo shrimp on a skewer, snow crab legs, and a baked potato. (Red Lobster leftovers…) :rofl: @ Janny’s comment about anything out of the water being poison.

patalillyos (sp) for the mother fucking win (that’s also the first time i’ve ever said for the win and the last)

a giant healthy serving of pussy for me BTW

I made an awsome dinner tonight…bonless checken breast, fried that up alittle to start it, then cooked some portebella mushrooms and diced unions in a frying pan, put one jar of spagetti sauce on the bottom of a pan, the added the chicken cut into strips, then another jar of sauce then the mushrooms and onions, then another can of sauce then diced stwed tomatowes and 1 lb of shredded mozzerella, let it cook for 20 min, made some zitti(sp) and bam…gormet meal lol. it was hella good.