Man Vs. Wild w/ Will Farrell . . lol awesome

On Discovery right now, they’ll probably have a rerun soon again. Flipping through the channels, this totally caught me off guard lol.

hahaah i’m watching it too. i love will farrell and man vs wild. this is win.

yeah i saw the whole thing it was hilarious!

I was watching the Jets fail.
Wish I could’ve caught this!

I wish that retard kramer would go out to the wilderness by himself


Its acctualy an older episode I saw it a few months backk

Was funny as shitt


It’s Live . . right now.

Maybe they did another one

Tere was one with him a few month back in some snowy ass place and will farelle ate a twinkie he was not supposed to :rofl

nah I was just kidding that it was “live”. I missed the beginning but it was probably the same one

pretty funnay

I love when he tried to get on the ladder ahahahahah

I saw the episode when it first ran and that was funny as hell

Fail they did. Oh well. It’s just a game.

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Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -