Mapping software/app.

Not really sure whether this a nerd or home question but here goes.

Say I own/manage a mobile home park that is on about 30-35 acres. I want to make a map that i can both print out, have on PC, and on my phone.

On this map I need precise coordinates for things like manhole covers, water valves (all over the park) with the possibility of adding layers of sewage, water, and storm drain lines that I would be able to toggle on and off. At the basic level I just want all the valve and manhole locations.

What I envision is to be able to pull out my phone and walk over to the “Manhole 1” location and be standing right over it in both the app and physically. I imagine for precision I would need a gps receiver to map it out? Is there something like this out there? (Freeware) or is this getting into the create your own app territory?

Or is there something basic like a personalized google earth/map that i can enter gps coordinates into and label them as things like “valve 1” and “manhole 1” etc? Easy enough in video games but I cant seem to find anything like that.

Any help much appreciated thanks :slight_smile:
