March Monthly Meet (March 5)

Well guys time for the March Monthly meet and it looks like we wont be having a cruise (Maybe winter beater cruise) any time soon but we will be holding a meeting at Kelsey’s for people to get together and chat.

Meet location and time is as follows.

Kelseys Oliver Square
11736 - 104th Ave
7 pm
Sunday, March 5

I most likely wont be attending unless i get back from skiing in time.

I might attend. I’ll see who eles is coming first. :E

damnit i never get to go to these! i am always busy! next month though, i’ll come back in town for it

Ill go I need to grab my membership card

Dunno, let me check with work.

I will have to skip out on this one.

I’ll be there!!

Hook me up with teh memebership, or are the meet’s in edmonton?
If so i’ll pass.

1993 S13 White (Building KA-T)

This meet is in Edmonton.

If you want to pay for your helmet, I will be there collecting money!

I will most likely come, but could someone be so kind as to post up the “revised” regulations in regards to the helmets.

I’m coming, but will be late. So for those of you waiting on membership cards, sit tight; but I’ll be there.

Imma gonna be there. Hopefully it won’t be too nut freezing cold out there. I better do the brakes on my truck otherwise you might see me roll right by.

Ok, scratch the idea of me coming. Can’t make it now. Family affair. I’ll mail out the membership cards to those needing them asap.

Hey, I had planned on coming but I had a work thing go longer and I am not sure I will be done by the time the meeting is over. If it is I will come.

Well I gotta meet Kent to pick up some coilovers, and I guess I’ll pay my member fee thingy. I don’t have a printer so I can’t fire off a copy of the signup page, hopefully someone will have some there. Can’t stick around too long though.

Sorry I couldn’t make it guys, I worked later tonight than I had been schedualed (wow can I spell or what) anyhow I hope I didn’t miss much, cause I really want to get a lot more involved in the club this year.

Oh snap … just read this half an hour too late … oops

wow whata great turnout guys :roll: the one meet i go to and there is only 6 ppl there haha