Marco Andretti




Danica who?


i watched that whole race… great race.

very classy at the end :tup:

i wanted him to win sooooooooo bad i was like “yeah he’s gonna do it!!! awwww fuck!!noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!”

on a side note, he is the same age as me, and i just could not immagine driving an Indy car in the Indy 500 at this time in my life, let alone almsot winning it. crazy.

He looks 12… lol. Who won? I didn’t see the end.

Sam Hornish, by like 1 car length. Making the pass on the last lap on the front straight after 4.

Danica was a lap down due to coming into the pits right before a caution yet due to IRL rules her and like 4 opther cars got their lap back. Does anyone else find this retarded? I understand the one car rule nascar uses and that is ehh on my part but this although getting rid of traffic infront of the leaders just seems to be too much. It’s not real racing anymore.

after thinking about the whole danica thing… its a different situation… danica is a girl in a male dominated sport.

She’s hot… from what I’ve seen of her anyway. :hitit:

I am talking about the amount of money dumped into her racing and public relations program.

Can’t say it was a 19 year old that came from nowhere (oviously he came from somewhere). But notice how nobody spent a shit load of money hyping him up.

You’re right, it is a different situation. Danica has had more time behind the photo lense than this kid has had behind the wheel in the IRL. Wonder which one is more important when the checker drops?

i dont think another andretti is gunna take away from the attention stock car racing receives in this country. but a talented female driver…one that is good looking noless…would definatly get the nascar masses watching IRL. so danica would be more important to IRL in my opinion.

seeing another andretti win a F1 GP would be huuuge, but thats just wishful thinking. definatly a talented driver either way. i was rooting for him. fuck penske :2fingers:

Yeah, but she’s not that talented, There are other more talented female drivers out there, Katherine Legge is one example. She could drive circles around Danica.

That was a crazy good pass though. I thought he ate it on turn 2 and he made up that ground like it was nothing. Would have been cool to see andretti win, not because he is an andretti but how well he did that whole race and he was only 19 years old.

My opinion on danica patrick, i think she looks kinda man-ish, they get her all slutted up and of course she is gonna look kinda hot. She sounds like daria and that bugs me too. I feel bad for the guys that actually win these races and get all their thunder stolen cause she has a vagina.

I’m thinking any Andretti that isn’t fast gets disowned from the family… :lol: Seriously, how soon do you think they started him driving in some form or another? They probably strapped him into a gokart right in the delivery room.


danica is still hot and a good driver…the pit rule sucks because u dont know when a caution is gonna happen…and Andretti is just like his dad and grandfather he will be a name in the sport…and i am pissed i missed the race.