Marine Tosses Puppy

sounds like russia in WW1 and 2

magazine for you. gun for you… magazine for you… gun for you… NOW RUN!!!

But then moral would go down resulting in more tossed puppies from wacky soldiers!!! THINK OF THE PUPPIES!!!

The puppy gets it’s propulsion from the ground so the treadmill will be able to negate the puppy’s forward progress. However, once the treadmill greatly exceeds the puppy’s forward progress he will be moving relative to the air. When said puppy reaches the end of said treadmill he will fly for a short distance, especially if there is some sort of lip at the end of the treadmill to function as a ramp. This “flight” however will be short lived due to the negative aerodynamic properties of the puppy.

WRONG!!! Said treadmill was in fact brainwashed to be a numb killing machine by the military. It concluded the puppy had negative impact on its mission so it in fact threw it off of a cliff!!!1

Then I’m still right. The puppy still flew. :wink:

BLAST!!! :beer2:

I know, im also bitter about it, because I have 4 friends there. It sux and I have allot of respect for what everyone there is doing. But videos like that are making everyone look bad, thats not the case.

i think the puppy was dead, and the sound effects were someone behind him or the camera man… it was a joke, thats my bet

i find it a little odd that there was a puppy just roaming around(what seems like) a desert.

whats wrong about packing a puppy in your backpack… maybe you find a cliff to give it the ol toss and yelp. if not you just wait til the next convoy out

who is that in your avatar?

it appears to be sir baxter

Im not sure where the video takes place and i havent even watched it. But only the southern parts of Iraq are really desert like. Its a very common misconceptin that people think it is desert and call it “the sandbox” its really not at most places. Im north of baghdad about central iraq and its farmland with plenty of green and water around. We have tons of stray dogs and cats all over this place.

Well, it may not have been desert, but it was a lot of pale beige colors(desert sand like), pretty rocky and right next to a huge cliff. Didn’t look like there was much civilization there.

In-flight cam:


Yea this place is strange like that a lot of the area is just crappy land of nothingness. Then all of the sudden you are on a farm lol. But there are a TON of stray animals is what im saying. But i know nothing of where this may have taken place im only speaking for the baghdad area really. We even have cats and dogs that somehow wander their way on the damn FOB all the time(great security). Cliffs hmm i wonder if it is Afghanistan maybe. Oh well guy is still a d-bag.

yeah, you don’t really get to see much. but if the rest of the surrounding area looks the same way the area was that I saw then I don’t really don’t doubt that a dog could have starved out there.

lol look at the guys myspace quote now.

i guess people have been messaging him about this

hahahaha at the hottie in your avatar hahahahaha

I can’t begin to express my anger towards these men. They should have been docked pay, thrown out of the military and made example of. Hope they rot in hell.