Mario Kart 64 Tournament

Agreed goldeneye is a must, and if you can get a white wall setup I could bring out the projector for even larger game play enjoyment without those annoying scanlines.

Sadly, I wont partake in Goldeneye, I tried playing it again the other day and it’s one of those games that isnt nearly as good as you remember (aka the 12fps frame rate kills me).

goldeneye id be down… mario kart perhaps

for now we will just do mk64. we could do it on a sunday too…

Just let me know ahead of time, so I can plan it Brian.

im toad!!! lol

Bump… dont have the room to hold it @ my house anymore. but im game to go somewhere else

ya man, what is up with the crappy frame rate? lol…scrap goldeneye, add perfect dark.

I hate to say it…Im the mario kart god guys. I shatter time trial records left and right. Mostly left, but some right too.

we were going to do something like this at club w. the gamer night is starting up soon on wed nights tho. there will be halo3, rock band, gears of war, and a few others. we will probably get some other systems too, but ill get some info for you guys if your interested.

ROB! call me when this stuff goes down dude. Itd be so much fun.

i’m so in it hurts…

and mario/luigi FTW…medium weight is where it’s at…

and i’m not a big fan of 150cc but i’ll deal…i just dont like how it randomly decides to spin you out at that speed…not that it can’t be overcome…but it’s annoying beyond all else for me…


id like to do it on a weekend coming up