Justins BDay Go Karting Adventure 3/23

Laser Tron go karting tonight. Whos in?

What time do we want to start and how many races do we want, 3,6,9?

I still have a few cards from being the fastest racer last time, so I would do 9 races if everyone else wants to. And anytime is good for me.

9 races sounds good to me.

what time you plannin on? any number of races is good

if we 9 races we have to schedule for 8:30 pm latest. Could start at 8. I’m game for anything. Starting at 830 would put us ending at 10. If others wanted to join in later that would be cool.

well i could show late but im workin till 9, o well

Are they open already?


should see how many people could get together for this, much more fun with a goup of people that you know.

I’m down, how much does it cost?

I’m am not sire if i remember the prices exactly but what it breaks down to is about…
$11 for about 25min or so = 3 races
$16 for about 45 min or so = 6 races
$21 for about 1hr20min or so = 9 races

I will look it up and post actual prices in little while.

Good enough for me.

OK, 8:30 sound good for everyone?


to cold to gokart.When it warms up ill go

It’s still 50 degrees out here.

hmmmm…u guys go?