Mark's (MHill) bachelor party *TOO MANY PICS*

it was definatly a good time… I was kinda dissappointed I still had a decent wad of those 1s at the end of the night… the ones that got spent were spent well tho…

im at work now

my head still hurts

I spent more time on the toilet than I did watching bewbs and the pie eating contest. Then I was the only one to puke.

No more raw fishies for me. I like the taste, but my stomach doesn’t.


Yes… Jeremy actually took two shits in the stripclub. ew.

I have 26 (yes thats twenty six) welts on my body from paintball, 3 of them bleeding.

I got fooooked up.


yeah Chris…that picture with the ones in your pocket is PIMP…

haha looks like a good time…love to see newbs playing paintball…very good for the sport :slight_smile: :tup:

did you guys play on river rd? if so my buddy owns that field :slight_smile:

damn, what fps were you guys shooting at? those are some mean looking welts. good times :tup:

I hope it wasn’t more than 300… I usually do 270-280 for outdoor and 260 for speedball

Yeah, we did, and some of us did know the guy.

he was sorry he made this move cause this is what happened from it\

and yes good times.