"Paint Darkstar Pink - Lesions for Liberty" event v. Shootmewithapaintballgun

OK Pittspeeders. Some of you love me, a few of you hate me. But I’d be willing to bet you’d all love to take a shot at me. And I’ll let you. For a price. Well, for a donation actually. In order to raise funds to donate to a certain presidential candidate who shall remain unnamed, I’d like to organize an event in which Pittspeeders (or any other sick fuck who’d just like the opportunity to shoot a paintball gun at an unarmed fat man) will be able to take some free shots at me.

I was thinking $50 for 30 seconds of shooting at about 25 yards, with nothing stopping your paintballs from bombarding your ample target except my cat like reflexes. In the event you were going to donate to Dr. Paul anyways, I would like to say that you are more than welcome to donate WITHOUT participating in this event. I think that it goes without saying that an event such as this should have both ample amounts of beer and pizza, so anyone that would like to donate towards this would be appreciated as well.

Please indicate in the above poll whether or not you would be willing to plop down the cash to shoot me in the ass.

With the utmost sincerity and undying dignity,



I’m 100% serious about this.



if you would of said bullets i’d give you everything i got. but those participating… freeze ur paintballs!!!

I was thinking $50 for 30 seconds of shooting at about 25 yards, with nothing stopping your paintballs from bombarding your ample target except my cat like reflexes.

Suggest: Do this in swimming trunks. No one who’d be attracted by an offer to shoot paintballs at someone is going to like the fact that it’ll be a nude fat man dancing around 25 yards in front of them.

Can I pistol whip you instead? $50 = 4 to the head / 1 to the balls, or $60 = 5 to the balls.

Change this to pistol whipping and I’m definitely in.

whats a dark angel shoot…19-20 balls/sec? I may be down for this…

you have my word there will be no nudity. I know this is a CCW state and there are some marksmen on this board. Dont need to give anyone anything extra to shoot at. :embarassd

actions that result in permanent disfigurement are strongly discouraged.

everyone will be using a SEMI-AUTOMATIC paintball gun. kthx. :hs:

figured you would cunt out of this. :rofl:

I figure it would just aid in keeping the gene pool clean, at the same time raise money for a cause.

Win-Win situation for everyone participating.

check your PM’s in about 2 min

Shooting a fatty with paintballs and giving money to a good candidate at the same time…I’m in.

I think video coverage would be good. Maybe the campaign would send you an official thank you card or something. Maybe a signed copy of one of Dr. Paul’s books.

i may have to do this.

The local Pittsburgh media might even be interested in covering this. Could be some good coverage for Pittspeed as well!

:eek3: 1st try might be the perfect venue!

i have 50 bucks ready and willing… just need to use someones paintball gun

can we use our own guns.

figured you’d chime in. :wink:

I’m sure someone will loan us a medium-powered paintball gun for the afternoon!

no. I am well aware of the fact that you can turn them to high and seriously fuck me up. Thats not what we’re trying to accomplish here. :squint:

this is gonna be fun