Paintball sometime?

im in the mood for some good woods paintball, we should try to get a paintball meet together sometime, i could bring a couple marines i know that are :nuts: im thinking about buying a gun soon, if not i’ll just borrow a friends, but let me know if anyone wants to try something like this :bigok:

sounds fun i was tinking about posting this

yep, i love paintball, i just need to buy a gun or borrow my friends, if i buy a gun what does everyone suggest? nothing tooo expensive and nothing (junk)

you can get a nice spider for under 100 no a days online

should i check ebay?

never looked on ebay

i think all thoes place have good prices

20 shots per sec thats the one you want

i like my friends, the grip is like see thru and its got an electronic trigger, you can switch to semi auto, 3 round burst, or fully auto, i forget what kind it is tho hows this work out? sounds nice

go to dicks they usually have pretty good packages

yeah, their website should help you out

I think we’re playing tonight in the North Hills if any of you are game…We ususaly play every Sunday w/7 or 8 people when it gets dark arouund 7 or 8. Night paintball is the greatest! Holla back

I used one of those at world cup and Vegas. Good stuff.

EM1 i believe you are talking about

Tippman 98 are pretty good guns and there is a huge aftermarket for upgrades I have a 32 degree’s Rebel with a 32 degree’s 16" barrel I’ll play just send me a PM or email me

playing speed ball on the 5th in houston have a whole course set up with bunkers and snakes

free to play just gotta bring your own equipment and balls

if you wanna play pm me ill ask the owner if he wants more people!

where is houston??? houston, TX???

no houston PA

79 towards washington pa

its not far, you can get there by going out rt19 and turning right at the meadows race track too

I’m going to try and make it.