Paintball sometime?

I have some footage of 2fnfast playing paintball!!!check it out!!!

:owned: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

dick head haha

where playing again saturday night 5-9 for anyone thats wants to play a game

had an awsome game ran my ass off…
ran and slide past some kid hiding in a bunker and blasted him with paint about 5 feet away and one shot cranked him right in the crotch. needless to say he was done for the night…

all you chubbie bitchs like me on the atkins shit, fuck that come play paintball you will loose weight real fast

Luckily it didnt rain last night so we played 6 on 6 again. I played with really really really bad sunburn from camping fri and sat. Should’ve had a few beers before hand to kill the stingers. My damn lenses kept foggin up so at one point I made a mad dash out of the bushes cause I couldnt see anything and had 4 people light me up. :rant: EVerybody was scared of the laser though, i was all like Predator n shit mmwwhaahha
Any of you guys going out to the ZAP Int. Am. at the Big Butler Fairgrounds next weekend? Im thinkin about some speedball since its free and its just funny when I play. Ya think a 7ft tall dude wouldnt stand a chance…

Maybe we could set it up tp have a paintball game the weekend of the BBQ? That would be cool, and it would be another option that weekend to get together for those that arent gonna be able to make it to the BBQ.

Im sure you’d all love a chance to try and put one between my eyes. :smiley:

i have noproblem setting up a day to play…theres a pretty nice area set up for speed ball right in houston pa bunkers and snakes all made out of wood no inflatables yet…its at my buddies place…aslong as every shows respect to the property and signs a waver he has no problem letting people play…there is no charge to play just bring your own paint gun/air and mask… there are usally 2 or 3 extra guns for someone that dosnt have one.,.

we useually play on saturday night from about 5-dark…all are welcome just send me a pm

only one request if blanyer or darkstar play they are only allowed jock straps and sling shots :reloading :reloading :reloading :reloading

im a nut like that, we had to turn the psi down on the guns when i played down the strip, back when i was in high school, when you got shot within 5 feet it didnt hurt at all, i think they were set at maybe? 13psi? i was about to start playing in just a teeshirt and shorts. what do you run?

13 good god i dont even think thats enough to eject a ball
take is set at about 850 i regulate it down to about 190-200 believe me you get hit with exposed skin your gonna have a huge welt for about a month…

we chrono our guns before we start to about 300 feet per second

they have an awesome paintball place down here. Its got like 3 different courses with a shitload of inflatable barrier things. We had an office paintball match and I whupped ass, although beating up on 45 year old women really wasnt much of a challenge. :embarassd

You all should come down and check it out! Once the offseason rates kick in I can get you rooms cheap as fuck. A room with one double bed goes for $35/night during the week in the offseason.

when is off seson?
