WTB: high end paintball gun

My friends and I do the paintball thing once in a while but no one really has great equipment.
This weekend we are getting together again and I want to kick their butts so I need one of those really accurate ones that shoot like 10 balls per second.
People on here are always selling this stuff so I figured I would try here first.
I already have a cheap gun from Dick’s so don’t try to sell me some pile of junk.
I am only interested in something high end.
Who has the best deals locally?
Can you buy good stuff locally?

Can someone move this to the right forum please?:banghead:


Sports Replay - ask for Pat.

One is on the boulevard.

Tell him Howie sent ya, he’s on this forum. Not on much tho.

He is suppppper awesome.

Holy sh*t dude, I don’t want to spend $6000 on a gattling gun!:biglaugh:
Maybe I could mount it on the Polaris Ranger and drive around like a guerilla.:biglaugh:
That would be fun.

Cool thanks Howie.

I’ve got something for ya.

2003 Smartparts Impulse, running on their 3000 psi maxflo regulator. Very good condition. Looks almost new, except for a few stickers. Mods are Delrin self lubing bolt, sticky red Smartparts grip.

3000 psi 68 cu high pressure air included.

I also have a Revvy 12V (needs a lid), but you might want to pick up a faster hopper for this gun (I was running a belt driven HALO during tournaments). It shoots around 15 balls per second right now, if you want to invest another 80 bucks, you can get a WAS board that comes with an anti-chop eye and bumps her up to around 20 balls per second.

I’ll post pictures soon/tonight.

Let me know

i used to have a spyder tl

i used to kick the shit out of guys with $3000 nitrogen guns … i didnt GET picked for teams, i let the teams get picked, then I decided which team i wanted to be on, lol

a true paintball warrior doesnt need a the gun, he can win by THOWING the paintballs if he has to

or on the other hand, if you spray the area, your BOUND to hit someone …

Oh, what do ya know, I found pictures :slight_smile:


How much?

If AWDrifter doesn’t want it, of course. PM?

You never played tournaments. Paintball is one of the most equipment intensive sports there is. You couldn’t shoot out my 85 year old grandfather with 6 broken balls in your barrel.

Also, you might have been good compared to the few woodsball buddies you shot at. I was pretty good at shooting hobos too, we used to have to even out teams at Tsunami open field nights with 4 on 16 games.

/thread jack

yea im using a TL-R right now, its a aweomse gun to have. i have a 20oz tank and a 16inch ceramic barrel and a 10BPS hopper, and the gun ownes, there is a shop on Niagra street selling the gun used for 90$ ill sell u my whole kit with mask and everything for 150?

I’ll do $400 for everything - REDZ tank cover, smartparts barrel condoms, extra grips, squeegies, mask (if i can find it) and anything else thats miscelaneous that I can find.

BTW here is a Google Froogle listing for the gun.

And tank: http://www.modells.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2143894

EDIT 2: I want to wait for AWDrifter for a bit though, since he posted the thread and is also significantly older than you guys :lol:

Hopefully he’ll see this within the hour.

good call :tup:

I am an old man so what, does that mean I need a better gun?:biglaugh:
Or is this like “age before beauty”?

What do you guys think, is $400 a good deal or is he taking advantage of an old man?:biglaugh:


If you want to check it out, by all means. Although I live in amherst, it might be a bit of a hike for ya.

Maybe one of my neighbors will have some paint/a scuba tank so we can go out back and rip on some trees/squirrels’s pushin their luck

omg i didn’t even notice this :lol:

Can you explain this in English?
Like I said I have a cheap Dick’s Special and I don’t know all of this lingo.
How much does it cost for this set up new?

Surprisingly, I paid slightly less than the setup would cost today. Weird.

The gun is $425 new these days, I only paid $400.

A Pure Energy Fibrewrapped 3000 PSI 68ci tank is still hovering around $200 bucks. I paid $190 I think. http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=3000+68+cu&btnG=Search

These miscellaneous parts don’t really matter but…

I paid $50 for the 12 Volt Revolution Hopper. They are still 50-60 bucks.

Delrin bolt - $30 bucks, I think I got mine for less than that. http://www.punisherspb.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=SP-IMPVDBLT-BLK

Smartparts sticky grip was $20.

REDZ tank cover was $20. This piece is important because you don’t want to ding up your 200 dollar high pressure tank while performing a superman dive into a bunker, which I know you will be doing.

I don’t feel like adding all that up, but I know I paid close to $800 for everything.

That’s a fucking steal right thurrr


i have seen imps and tanks go for 600 easy