My friends and I do the paintball thing once in a while but no one really has great equipment.
This weekend we are getting together again and I want to kick their butts so I need one of those really accurate ones that shoot like 10 balls per second.
People on here are always selling this stuff so I figured I would try here first.
I already have a cheap gun from Dick’s so don’t try to sell me some pile of junk.
I am only interested in something high end.
Who has the best deals locally?
Can you buy good stuff locally?
Can someone move this to the right forum please?:banghead:
Holy sh*t dude, I don’t want to spend $6000 on a gattling gun!:biglaugh:
Maybe I could mount it on the Polaris Ranger and drive around like a guerilla.:biglaugh:
That would be fun.
2003 Smartparts Impulse, running on their 3000 psi maxflo regulator. Very good condition. Looks almost new, except for a few stickers. Mods are Delrin self lubing bolt, sticky red Smartparts grip.
3000 psi 68 cu high pressure air included.
I also have a Revvy 12V (needs a lid), but you might want to pick up a faster hopper for this gun (I was running a belt driven HALO during tournaments). It shoots around 15 balls per second right now, if you want to invest another 80 bucks, you can get a WAS board that comes with an anti-chop eye and bumps her up to around 20 balls per second.
i used to kick the shit out of guys with $3000 nitrogen guns … i didnt GET picked for teams, i let the teams get picked, then I decided which team i wanted to be on, lol
a true paintball warrior doesnt need a the gun, he can win by THOWING the paintballs if he has to
or on the other hand, if you spray the area, your BOUND to hit someone …
You never played tournaments. Paintball is one of the most equipment intensive sports there is. You couldn’t shoot out my 85 year old grandfather with 6 broken balls in your barrel.
Also, you might have been good compared to the few woodsball buddies you shot at. I was pretty good at shooting hobos too, we used to have to even out teams at Tsunami open field nights with 4 on 16 games.
yea im using a TL-R right now, its a aweomse gun to have. i have a 20oz tank and a 16inch ceramic barrel and a 10BPS hopper, and the gun ownes, there is a shop on Niagra street selling the gun used for 90$ ill sell u my whole kit with mask and everything for 150?
I’ll do $400 for everything - REDZ tank cover, smartparts barrel condoms, extra grips, squeegies, mask (if i can find it) and anything else thats miscelaneous that I can find.
Can you explain this in English?
Like I said I have a cheap Dick’s Special and I don’t know all of this lingo.
How much does it cost for this set up new?
REDZ tank cover was $20. This piece is important because you don’t want to ding up your 200 dollar high pressure tank while performing a superman dive into a bunker, which I know you will be doing.
I don’t feel like adding all that up, but I know I paid close to $800 for everything.