
I was down in Smithton today at a new paintball place. I checked out the speedball and the woodsball courses. Looks like a pretty cool place.

I know there were a few people from the forums that play speedball, so i thought I would share the info. There are a few speedball tournaments coming up.

Sorry if my first post sounded like an ADVERTISEMENT. Free advertising was not my intention.

i wasn,t complaining man,just did n,t want u to get scollded,LOL

I have never been paintballing,just shoots at moving targets:blue:

I have been writing too many papers for school and all the formal writing carried over. :hs:

It’s all good now. If people want more info they can PM me or check the place out on their own.

Moving paintball targets shoot back. You should try it sometime.

when i get the time it is my on my to do list:blue:

like I said before let me know and I’ll go

:stupid: let me know some weekend ?