Marlboro Event at Beaverun in June

Yeah, the guest doesn’t according to insert, but last page on back says “Participation limited to recipients of this mailing ~who are smokers~, 21 years of age or older, blah blah blah”. It’s under “terms and conditions” on back.

Ok, I didn’t read that part. I just went through the CD they gave my buddy. He obviously is a smoker. Just get a near empty pack of cigs off of someone and carry them around.

i’ve been looking at this since i got mine in the mail. i’m gonna try to go as long as there are openings on that sunday. if not, someone else can use mine if it’ll work for them.

damn… i want an invite… hope one shows up in the mail

which dude slammed into the barrier yesterday ? had to have medical attention

I’m going now. cyall there.


Well, I didn’t see Be_rad. Who can miss him.

But the event was pretty cool. I signed up on Marlboro’s mailing list in case I get a chance to go back. It was fun. We got bookbags full of goodies, excellent food, a look at the Panoz race car’s inside guts, and ride with some pretty fun drivers.

Isn’t it on Thursday?! I’m told we have the 1:15 slot Thursday. Hmmm…

I believe its all week long, my slot is 2:15 on Thursday…

Yeah, they’re there the whole week I think.

After we suited up, they made us take a picture. I told the lady I didn’t want one anyways and they made me do it. Just because they gave everyone a picture:
![ with panoz.jpg]( with panoz.jpg)

Ask for or try to get Kelly as your drift driver. She is good.

sweet! I doubt they’ll have one that fits me so I don’t have to worry altho that is a cool pic

I dunno man, they might have one in super duper tall. They had racks and racks of various sizes. They got one around my fat ass and didn’t even go near the largest sizes. Saw a dude who was pushin 400 lbs crawl into the Panoz. But you’ll bump your head on t he roll cage.

haha, it wouldn’t be the first time!

Wow I just missed this I was signed up for it, bummer sounded like a blast although I would rather drive the panoz.

It was awesome. Only did 2 laps each but I fealt so at home in full race suit. Plus the food was amazing. Couldn’ve asked for more out of a free event haha.