Didn’t know him in person just from this forum, yet a part of me feels like I lost a friend. Just terrible.
That’s awful His poor family and whoever found him.
Same here. We’re all “family” in the world of a gearhead.
Wow that sucks seemed like a good guy. RIP
this is crazy, i just saw him a few weeks ago walking his dog in front of his house. really shitty
When anyone dies that i know of wether I have talked to them on a forum/in person/text/phone call/friends with whatever I personally just get like this anxious feeling, and then my mind wanders about what it’s like to die. I used to have anxiety attacks thinking about it.
same here. I figured Id meet him eventually somewhere down the road but now its too late.
I hope a friend or family member is willing to take on his pets. I know he loved them from all the pics he posted of them on Facebook and on here. The cat was his mother’s.
Where ever he is, I hope he’s burning the fucking tires off that STS-V with a smile on his face.
Same here
Wow, rip. Way too young.
Same… I’ve woken up in the middle of the night in sweats falling asleep thinking about shit like that. Shoot up from sleep gasping for air…
Not fun
It’s fucking weird to think about. Is it painful, is it like falling asleep…
holy shit. RIP.
RIP man. Tragic thing…
If anyone sees his obituary, maybe contact family and a group of us can cruise to his wake? Just a thought. Wouldn’t want to make a spectical or have it be unwanted.
Wow way young, RIP
This is the first time (or at least in any memory of mine) that a fellow Shifter, or even APG’er has passed away. I’m glad we can at least come together at a time like this, when we’ve lost one of our own. Despite all of the differences here on Shift, everyone comes together when called upon.
+rep to Shift.
Holy fuck man, dude was juustt at my shop shootin the shit! Rip, fuck