R.I.P ldiablo233

Just found out he passed away, didn’t really know him, but he went to my highschool and I sold him a mp3 player on here.

are we talking about the kid with the red neon?

wow wat did he pass from? RIP

I bought a half stack from him last year…

what happened?

I guess suicide/overdose…that’s what my just friend said. His girlfriend was real close with him. His real names Devon for the people who don’t know.

shitty, RIP

o shit wow. i met the kid a few months ago. my gf’s brother was pretty close to him as a friend. didnt realize he was Diablo233, i use to rip this kid a new one on here :frowning: all i can say is RIP.

Well I know a bunch of people told him to do so on here but I didn’t expect him to listen…

really not something to make light of with all the internet bullying/suicides going on

im pretty sure ive met him before, buying or selling something.

For all the shit on here, all the internet drama, and all the shit talking. I’ve met a ton of people from this forum, probabaly 60+ members, and they all seemed very nice, chill in person.

Meh didn’t know him, never seemed like much of a winner anyhow.

My condolences to his family though.

he bought a neon bumper offa me, RIP

Meh, if you wanna take matters into your own hands i have limited symapthy…

Wow, shitty. Condolences to the family…

RIP, never knew or met him but wow that’s terrible to hear.


How old was he?

I always think of someone “passing away” and think of someone going while they sleep. Sucks he committed suicide by O.D. I Hope his family deals with it well




via myspace

oh apparently that engine hoist actually worked…so props to him

He’s 20 btw


that blockbuster drop down is crazy