RIP Trung =/

Add another bike death to the list this year =/
Trung Luong grew up in WNY so I know some of you have to have known him, he moved to Orlando around the same time I moved so 2 1/2 years ago.

Happened earlier this afternoon.
We’ll miss ya buddy.

Be careful everyone.

sorry to hear :frowning:

talked one of my (immature; aren’t they all) seniors out of getting one today

RIP Trung, We graduated together and I haven’t seen him since he moved.


Just heard about this last night :tdown:. RIP Trung

Witnesses said they saw four motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic.



sorry to hear about it. RIP

I met trung a few years back when he had 355firebirds car. RIP Trung.

All you biker guys be careful out there .

Shut up If you have ever driven on I4 during the day it’s virtually impossible to weave in an out of traffic during the day in Orlando.

Is this the guy that went to east and used to have the silver mustang?

i was a year behind him but i sat next to him in one of my classes in hs. he was a pretty decent guy, this is too bad.


man thats sucks, hate hearing this stuff… RIP

he went to west… had a red firebird then i think he bought a silver stang

whats he look like/what did he ride when he was at UB?

^ i graduated HS with him

Man i went to ITT-Tech with him, he was taking the same course as me. I rememeber him telling me and my friend about how he was getting a mustang GT. And we didn’t believe him, cause he kept saying hes getting it and never did, but one day he came to school with a silver mustang GT and took us for a ride. I also remember a day before school I saw a car accident on the news, caused by street racing and one of the drivers died and the next day in school trung had pink eyes and still crying all morning cause the guy that died in the street race was his friend. This is crazy, too many deaths recently and its worst when you know the person…

RIP Trung

I met him. Did he have like tv’s and shit in his mustang? I think he may of went to hilbert for a short time…

Not only was he weaving in and out of traffic but he was also not wearing a helmet.

I don’t know, I only saw his car stock.

Does anyone have a link with the complete story on how it happened and where it mentions his name?? The link on the first post only has a few sentences about an accident and thats it.