can we still bang out the soccer mom…?
I’m in for that!
impala, I know that guy from the rx7 forums.
he’s selling his M3 and keeping his rx7.
vinyl wrap costs about $2100 and will protect the original paint from damages, and is nearly impossible to tell it’s not paint
That’s so awesome.
:tup: good idea especially if it’s a car with a rare paint code
don’t, it looks pretty shitty actually.
I’m not going to, don’t worry.
and roger.
I think it looks like hell.
Needs less flat more matte.
Cool car except for the polizei sticker.
I <3 wagons.
I love wagons too, the reason why, I could buy a sweet t.v. put it in the back and then smoke the stupid 93 rx-7 that keeps pacing me on the high way. It all depends on the wagon really. How you could not want that b7 avant is beyond me, but a early 90s woody I can understand
Because I honestly don’t care how fast a car is. It has to have some get up and go, but it’s more about looks and the driving experience, and wagons have neither of those.
So many people on this forum masturbate about certain autos just because how fast a car is, or how fast a car is compared to the norm of other cars that are like it. I don’t care about that shit. A wagons a wagon. Go carry your groceries and TVs around. You can get home in 2 hours or get home in 30 minutes and on the way home pull a Corvette, at the end of the day it’s still a wagon.
You “fast wagon” humpers are probably the exact same people who are like “well that Civic owns 'cuz it’s lyke 600hp. I’d take it over a Ferrari!!” of like 3 years ago.
Actual driving enjoyment is taking a backseat to performance and that’s such an absurd notion.
A car is not art to be looked at(though some might disagree). A car is a tool designed to move people and cargo from a to b in a timely fashion.
A vette is fast from A to B, but fails to transport a sufficient amount of cargo.
A fast wagon is fast from A to B, but can also transport sufficient amounts of cargo.
If you want to sacrifice space for looks, that is your prerogative.
I also don’t really understand the term, “It’s still a wagon”. What part of being a wagon makes it less of a car?
Why would you want a car that is versatile? LOL at the wagon h8. I think sedans suck.
Opinions are like assholes.
Personally I enjoy a car that is clean, and cool. Wether it be a wagon, sedan, coupe, hatch, boat, goat, cow… there’s cool unique stuff everywhere, and I can appreciate that.