May 14 Media Sharing Thread

Hey guys please post all the media you have from May 14th at shannonville. I’ve made a little video with just a mini DV tape I have sitting here, but I want more footage as this is mostly just the last couple corners of the track, not 2,3 or the 4th corner (my favorite)

I’ll post up some pics ralphy took tommorow as well. Here’s the vid I made today, I want to make a longer one that has more drivers in it with all the corners, and hopefully some incar and chaser car stuff.

Mods dont move to media, esspecially since it was a driftstar event thx dude bros

If you guys can send me your mini DV tapes so I can capture the footage on my comp I’ll return them to you within a week and that would be fukin awesome, it would be a shame to see nice footage to to waste just sitting on a tape like it often does.

My finger is itching to move it. I’ll give it two days, and it’s off to Members only.

Driftstar homies can buy a membership.

nice vid
seems u guys had lotta fun @ the track too!

G’damn .mov.
Make that shit .avi or mpg.

Download quicktime u lazy ass. The movies are much better quality in that format.

Hahahahah i see bottlebong!

hmm shame I own a g4 powerbook… oh … plays .mov natively… shame…
long live .mov
nice vid btw…

Booo, i don’t download Quicktime, because it’s crap. Boink Apple and any Apple/Mac related BS.

Xvid format would be ideal.

Sick video Sasha! Too bad i couldnt make it, i would have liked to be a designated film man. Aw well. Is there anymore footage that anybody else has?! i want to seeeeeeeeee.

Meet looked like hella fun too! 8)

What happened to that guy in the sponsored car that got moshed…

He’s fine… Says the car isn’t as bed as it looks and should be back in action in a couple weeks :twisted:

yeah the flaming engine is just a roll of duct tape away from mint status eh.

Here is a photogallery I put up from the event, thanks to Ralph Care and someone else I dont even know, And Robby for taking the pics.

I’m the only one posting up media here? thats pretty fucking weak guys common.