May 14th FlashLight Drags!

ok get out of my thread… k thanks

there is no ownage of threads. The internet is free flow of information and thoughts.

ps your mod is the one who took it of topic



I’ll be there running as usual.


I’ll run if someone has a big turbo and a clutch I can borrow for the night :slight_smile:

come and race my vw… stock turbo and 15inch all seasons.

maybe we can finally do what we’ve been talkin about for a long time now and see the mk4’s race
edit: i say you got it tho in a 1/8 mile race thats it’ll be all about the driver


Come’on, I ran last year on a bad clutch and hard old tires. No need for a big turbo and if your clutch holds enough…run!! :smiley:


i’ll be around tonight too!!! anytime

Only going if Dados there :sex:

got shit to do i or i would, would it be alright if i brought a case to this flashilight drags or will they be all uptight about it

wtf is that?

Thats iffy on that one. Ask Whitey

thats his gay lover from teckademics.

wow thanks for answering for me buddy…

If my car is tuned I am goin to try to get someone to cover for me at work.

u do for him & shag!


you are in my part of the internet