May 14th FlashLight Drags!

when you drive in, you will have to pay a person your fee and then they will direct you where you have to park. Tell them you are with and they will direct you to our designated parking area!

your local amsterdam rite next door

Ok ill be there in the burnt orange civic

sounds good!

if anyone is goin in my area (belle vernon) they wanna pick me up? my ride bailed out on me :frowning:

i heard rain for sat :frowning:

will be there along with a few other steel city terminators

we are meeting in cranberry at 3 pm at quaker steak & lube

also, sunday is the makeup date

how much is it to race again?? maybe ill race for the hell of it, if not, im riding up with Rob

i’m thinkin i shouldn’t race i was gonna but seems like everyone goin got like a 10-13 second car and then i got a car that “should” get a 14 summin and its on all terrain tires…soooo any slow cars going soo i don’t have the slowest car there??? should i shouldn’t i enter??? any input would be great, thanks…

ask yourself
WHAT WOULD DADO DO !!! :kekegay:

there is a wide variety of cars

it is a fun time and you can pick your grudge matches

i think its $25 to race and $5 to watch

i don’t care what dado would do, he’s probably got a really nice car but those kids seem like they wanna get him up the ass the way they talk about him :gaysex: i just wanna know if im gonna get smoked everytime cause the cars are soo fast i’ll just watch

i raced my jetta last year, and i did alright. its all about how good your car can get out of the whole. I raced a supercharged truck and pulled him right out of the hole.

its all for fun, you should come out

you pulled me from the hole too… pro race driver whitey :kekegay:

i will def. be there im on all terrain tires, fuck it i’ll race first time ever in this car but it’ll be all good, i wish i was 21 i wanna get fucked up after, these 12 days need to go faster

Who all here ran last year and what was your ride? I’m not sure because I’ve only been on this board a month or two. I’m just curious who I might of run. I think 1320 is the only car that I’ve seen there.

I’m in my black Mitsu Starion…


So I guess you get 3 fake ‘pink slips’ to race with and if you lose you have to give the winner 1. Essentially you can race all night if you have a fast car, keep winning and choose your opponents wisely??

Slow car check in!(List of potential races, higher than 14’s)
-Be_Rad, Passat

3 or 4…

Yes and no to your question…last year it was like the first 3 events when everyone swapped pink slips. You were only supposed to make as many runs as you had pink slips. It didn’t happen, peeps were running more than 4 times, which is cool. After that you still received pink slips (at the gate), but noone exchanged them anymore. I’m down with that, because 4 runs isn’t much. Really it’s not elim’s so the fastest or slowest car can keep running.


i ran last yr

a few times in my 03 black cobra and a few in my 04 orange cobra

Cool, I say ya running!