May 30 Meet

Anyone up for a cruise tonight? i finally get a friday off work and theres no meet… i know its late notice, but i want to see some of the new cars in NECC.

post up and we can see if anyone actually wants to go.

I can’t tonight… Too bad.

I may be able to go, I live in the park as well. Check back here at 6pm or call me 905-3793. Have to talk to my wife :smiley:

lol similar to my problem

They will never understand. I keep telling my wife, “look I can go to the bar get stank drunk and mack up ladies, accidentally, OR go and hang out with a bunch of guys and talk cars all night. Which do you prefer?”

And she still looks at me all puzzled. LOL She thinks my attention is more on my car than her. Just wait until I get a real summer car, she’s in for a world of hurt :smiley:

But seriously, ya I may be out, she actually may want to go out cruising tonight I brought it up to her last night and she was somewhat good with that idea OMFG!!!

I might go if it’s around 9… Sentra crew might be out tonight lol

go where ryan? UC? if we can get a few sentra guys i say we go and take a few group shots. i want to try out my new camera and try to make some HDR shots of the sunset and downtown.
then we can hit up UC after.

Cool… I would be up for that. I too can take soem pics. I’ve been looking for a good time. Where can we meet up?

im sure we can take some nice pics at hawrelak then we can go downtown after most of the traffic slows down and find some nice places to take pics.
there is a road across from downtown that you can see the entire downtown from, i would love to find that road!

not sure what time you want to meet. i would like to be out before sunset so i can get lots of color…

Sunset is @ 9:50 but I can’t do anything till around 9

k lets say 9 at hawrelak? first parking lot.

should give us lots of time to get downtown.

Ok… For some reason if I’m going to be late or can’t make PM me your phone number so I can call you.

P.S. I’ll be in Sherwood Park Around that time

I may be able to sneak out at 9 as well. if we are all in the park, why not meet and cruise to Whorelak together?

It would be a lot easier for me if we met in Sherwood park @ 9

Want to meet at Festival Place?

Sure… Is that by the mall? lol not really sure

OK… Dennis I will meet you at Festival Place. Kyle you can meet us there if you want. Kris we will see you @ hawrelak around 9:15. Kyle you can also meet us there.

i have no idea how to get around sherwood park, so ill be at hawrelak 1st lot at 9. im leaving around 920-930 because i want to find a cool place before it gets dark.
call me if you guys are really late.

i’m heading to WHorelak right now, if you guys are planning on meeting in the park call me, my cell is listed in an above post

I don’t think I can make it out, I really have to finish up my photo project…yay portfolio submissions…