May 5 Shannonville Fabi 1pm-5pm open track $50

time: 1pm to 5pm

location: Shannonville Fabi Track

cost: $50 per car/driver

Ah what? Drift?Grip?Time Attack?Rally? DUDE WTF?

lmao real discriptive


May 5th (Monday) shannonville Fabi Track, 1-5pm

so far 4 cars total - FC X 2/ EK9/ STI

it all depends on the amount of drivers we get. If we only have like 6-8 cars, then there’s plenty of track time for you to run tests, try different techniques (grip or drift)

As long as the driver don’t do stupid stuff and respect other drivers the track is open for you, we will have a person timing cars but only with a stop watch nothing fancy.

If a driver gets two or more complains, we will ask you to leave without money back.

real short notice on the time and date :, and it being on a Monday.

^^ yes unfortunately, hope you can come out. Tons of track time for everyone!

Can anyone confirm this?
And why such short notice?

what kind of confirmation would you like?

Scan of the invoice? You pay at the track. It will happen for sure, even with just 4 cars.

Some sort of reputation or anything. Maybe you don’t do trackdays for 240’s but Civics let us know but linking us to previous days or something so we know this isn’t a 2 hour drive to nothing.

First post was terrible therefore way to sketch for me to even think about making it out or else I would have.

totally agreeing and understand your point. This is the first time we invited public to our track day that’s why I don’t have any sort of prove for you. I do have the invoice for it but no scanner.

hey this was today, damn that was short notice lol

2 hours for you maybe tom :wink: