Mazda AZ-1 Autozam

i dont like that car… but hey what can i say i cant even drive now… fcuk

The Autozam or the Cappuccino?

IMO, the styling is off. I would not personally drive one.

Your entitled to your opinion… So what do you drive?

Actually as he stated, he was posting his opinion. Unlike you who seemed to take it to another level by insulting another members ride.
Sorry, what do you drive?

Hey sign this guy up, he obviously wants to be the first to purchase one. He wants to take it to the strip “I’yam b00sting, cUz iTz G0t mAdD p0t3ntiAL y0!”
Again what do you drive?..

Do you have a shop?

I think this suzuki cappuccino is really not bad…it can be styled really nice…

I’m sure you’re gonna enjoy it!

This Cappuccino is the closest competitor to the Honda Beat…can be a really
nice kei car , also called keijidōsha (in Japanese: light motor vehicle).

Man, it sure looks good, but I would definitely not want a small car like that, nor many 2-seaters. (Even 350z! :p)

Even though I’m not a big guy, I enjoy having god-loads of space–for gear, and people. Road trip in David’s 350z?-- HELL no! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

ps. Someone throw that girl a bone or something…

lol…i know watcha mean…thats why i have a maxima for long trips…

Apparently the number 6 font size and garish use of bright colours is not quite obvious enough for you to have noticed…:hmm

It’s obvious that you take issue with my apparent ‘insult’ of the 350 and view it as an attack… yet you don’t seem to have an issue with an attempted personal attack on me… a tich hypocritical on your part there boyo.

Be careful with ‘personal’ attacks, they are derisive and intone aggression. However being the humanitarian I am, I’ll let this one slide because it seems your a complete pratt and obviously have a few latent insecurities…

Actually as he stated, he was posting his opinion. Unlike you who seemed to take it to another level by insulting another members ride.

Hey sign this guy up, he obviously wants to be the first to purchase one. He wants to take it to the strip “I’yam b00sting, cUz iTz G0t mAdD p0t3ntiAL y0!”

Oh… nothing special really.

So what do you drive?

Initially no comments were directed to you. A personal opinion was stated with regard to the OP question, yet you took it upon yourself to attack another member and his ride. Why?.. because your an ass.(many seem to agree)

Dont hide behind words, be a man and grow a set. If you feel that I have insulted you, dont let it slide, call me out and we will deal with it.

I hope to run into you this summer.:slight_smile:

oh sweet jebus… dude, you wanna get it on, excellent, no need to wait till summer, tonight or even the wekend is good with me.

Look, we can meet up easily any time. I prefer a mid point location though, I’ve always had good luck out behind the cookstown outlet mall as it got very little traffic so cops won’t bother us…

looking forward to hearing from you… see you soon.:R

no need to turn online posts into fist fights guys.

You are right noodle, I will drop it…

My apologies for the thread jack all.