McGahee B-Day Party...?

So there’s a rumor going around work here perpetuated by the fantasy football geeks…

Apparently there is a McGahee Party going on tonight at Pearl Street (the restaurant / bar). $10 girls to get in, $20 guys to get in, other Bill’s players there. Autographes expected.

Anyone heard anything about this?

I called the Bar but they don’t open 'till 11 a.m. :lol:

Yeah I saw a flyer on this, its 45 bucks for VIP access.

nyspeed meet?

nice, I was looking for some kind of confirmation.

I wonder if I can get in for free, born on the same exact day… 10/21/81

I know one of the waitresses. She lives with my GF. Il lhave to ask her about this.

thats my dad’s bday as well.

and tonights the gf’s bday…

I hope it will be as rockin’ as the Vikings recent party.:headbang:

$20 is too rich for me, that gets me 10 beers at flatterys

$20 to get in and it goes in his pocket, not to charity. And all the beer was donated for the party as well. Kind of shitty when he makes millions a year.

your dad is young… weird.

yea, he got with my mom when he was just over 1.