me vs 2000 gsxr600

from a 40mph roll. Do I have a chance?


tell us the result :slap:

yes. its only a .6L

thats usually how cars have a fair chance against bikes heh.

I’d love to go from a stop, but i know they do low 11’s from there so… nah! heh

no not because of the roll race,
because of sooooooo many ricers always ask that question.

Can i beat this or that :bj:

you racing him on foot

eh… I just wanna know the general consensus. I actually feel pretty confident about it :slight_smile:

Roll mean nothing and proove nothing

i honestly think he will rock your world esp from a 40mph roll… now if it was from a 70mph roll then you might have a chance… bikes are smokin fast…


but at 70 i still wouldnt think you have a chance

im not sure, me and kolar fucked around when he had his R6 and from slow he rocked me… but from a higher speed it was a lot closer.

bikes are fun to race… im gonig to be cleaning up a lot of them once i get my car back on the road… should be fun

:gives: your such a :tool: blue

your dumbass was crying the blues about wrecking your car and here you are lining up roll races on the street for when you get your car back from the body shop :tool: your shit aint that fast, bikes are


I was genuinely curious… dipshit
buddy of mine just gotten a 600, and we figured wtf why not. why gotta be such a dick all the time