+rep if I could agree on all points.
How so? I hopped on the bandwagon when he attacked my friends publicly. When customers, his “friends” and EX-EMPLOYEES come to my shop for me to do work for them and tell me all the “rumors” about him/them are true, and even tell me about new stuff they dealt with that wasnt even mentioned here. Friends parents getting fucked over by him on cars and disrespected in public too. The list goes on. I never met the guy, but that doesnt mean I dont know the situations. Then for him to call me out as a scrony ass kid who doesnt have a pot to piss in and he is coming back to NY to straighten me out, on that fourm, when I wasnt even the one posting in his dumb ass threads… fuuuuck him and anyone associated with him. Not a bad dude huh? LOL
I was asked to ignor it, and out of respect to the people that disrespect (see me being the better man) I wont loose sleep over any of this, and will simply enjoy the LOL’s at the shop, at a bar, at a show, where ever if his name comes up as I sip a beer and listen. no fucks given, no at-a-boie’s either.