meena is getting gang banged at walmart tonight 11pm

im gonna be there, im at rankins right now wwe got 5 people here from shift ready to film this , we are 5 mins away

haha yesir

john… come get me in the f150… we can be there in 25 the way you drive.

ill evenbring out the jeep to race your POS

what are you going to film?? im not racin anyone Smokins not gonna make it cause i wont be there til 10:45/ 11

i see u jockin dave singh

so wats it gonna be? racing or we gonna blame the dry streets for not having enough traction

why not bring out the x90? :lol

This thread blows. More hype from McLosen.

ok well race me or skanks…

take your pick either the Jeep or the hoopty 5 series

wtf u talkin about? making an excuse again, go out and stop pussin out, otherwise dont be callin people out

come on… stop pussyin out

this thread sucks fucking ass and you idiots suck for arguing with this tool

ill be there at 11… gotta pick up afirend in renslear… just promise me not to be an asshole or say anything too provoking cuz my buddy just got back in town and he flips the fuck out i dont wana deal with it…/ cops/ drama ect… everyone just relax ill be there.

and you suck for sucking…sucker.

ok which walmart… we will be there in the the grand market

the one with the retards running the store… oh…wait… :ponder

latham… this kids hard enough to go anywhere with so im just warnin u guys, everythings cool… just keep it that way. gotta run

ok bro we wont start shit… we just wanna see that GP in person

fuck good call my car just burnt up

fuck this dude he a stroker ill be back gonna kill the maro ill rub one out instead