meena is getting gang banged at walmart tonight 11pm

here is the pictures

heres the deal… we finally met at Walmart in latham. Talked him into running petes TDI ( the beater ) from a dig on route 9… 1st thing is he needed gas and so we went to Hess across from Acura. We started to head up towards my house ( bc theres not many cops and its fairly straight) so every time we pulled up next to him he would take off before we came to a stop. Finally when we pulled over in Peanut Principle and he wanted to leave to put in the “garage”. And we finally got him to race from a dig at the Guptills Skating arena on rt9… once the light turned green we pulled a 1/2 CL and then he slowly pulled away… and a massive back fire … looks like it was running open downpipe because there was a lot of flames and what not…

there was only 1 race and has video of the MASSIVE backfire . . .

here is the video…

shitty quality bc its a camera phone

He barely beat a TDI? :rofl

WTF is up with the hood? Other than that, that’s a sweet fucking car.

mind you, this is a bone stock 2000 automatic TDI golf. 90hp, 155lb ft of torque.

way he rolled out on me i could clearly outrun in him in my 1990 jetta with the tdi swap.

lol . . . not gonna clown on it . . . quick for what it is. But deff needs a tune like wow.

Hes not gonna have a chance against Drews SS or Shawns whip

Point is, he showed. Which is more than some people on this thread have done.

yea I deff give him props for showing…

going by what he pulled on me… i’ve got a fair chance.

but he did show up, props for that. he’s a pretty cool guy!


I’ve taken faster shits than that Grand Prix.

always comes back to your shits lol

yo whats the werd with everybody else??? pm me

its all good

that doesnt tell me much?!

holy shit. I didnt think he would actually show lol…I was at the movies with my girl and friends and didnt have my car…

not bad, I guess. If its not a bad day tomarrow and its not wet out, I will take the SS out if Mclaren wants to meet it…(for real this time)


ehhhh…nice backfire? :wtf

why are his brake lights on the whole time? quality electrical?

whats up with those sweet wheels? i think the stock ones are better.