meena is getting gang banged at walmart tonight 11pm

My car looked shitty when I bought it too but I took care of that.
Ive had a few vehicles that looked less than good when I bought them too like my rotted out '89 S10 with holes I could stick my arm thru.

the car was 500 bucks and alls it needed was a battery

oh ya def

but when u buy a car for 500 bucks that pretty much runs, who gives a shit about the HOOD LOL if yuo paid 2-4 grand for the car, k maybe u can talk… but right now complaining about the paint on the hood of a 500 dollar car you sound like my mom LOL

yea its just a dd, i wasted a ton of money on my other gp and it does SHIT never finished the car needs a tune and subframe bushings on hold for now.


yea i gotta few

post em

do ETT!!!

I could get a one legged hooker for $2 in the Bronx but I won’t. :slight_smile:

and if you do, dont go complaining about a rip in her panties :smiley:

Sounds like you got a new friend… :slight_smile:

weeeeee i love new friends !

try not to drool j/k

no bashing or smart remarks? This forum has changed. prove me wrong

I love classic cars! Flat black trunk is retro, very cool.


yea what a terdbath

well i cant figure out how to PM joey what u doin fucknut

just for good old times your an ass hat happy now

click on username, the send private message.