Meet my friend Utan...20ft American Alligator

Just got back from North myrtle beach. This is the second time I have been to this place called alligator adventure…the first time I have seen them Feed Utan…here’s some stats…

20 feet
weighs over a Ton
46 years old
Has been captive his whole life
Came from Thailand

the video doesnt even do its justice on how big he is. This is the biggest Alligator in the world on Display thats alive.

alligator adventure was cool, but there have way to many gators and it gets old quick. BTW that thing is HUGE! i can’t remember if he was there when i was 2 years ago.

yah he was…he’s been there for years

me and my girlfriend are into these type of things…we love that place.

did you go to Ripleys aquarium?? i liked that place a lot also.

yup…it was our second time there as well

we were sitting on the beach wensday and all of a sudden a good 4 foot shark came right up to the shore in ankle deep water. People started freaken out.

Same thing happened again to my girlfriends father the following day. Kind of freaky. You can see them swimming around with the fins out of the water.

No shit! that would have freaked me out also. We were supposed to go to Myrtle beach this year but we canceled it at the last minute because of the wild fires they were having. We ended up going to Charleston SC and then to Virginia beach. VB had dolphins swimming around all the time, it was awesome.

Wow. I was there when I was like 5 or 6, but I really dont remeber that trip. But that is pretty damn impressive!

forgot to mention…

right after they got done feeding Utan in that video, they let anyone in the cage with him to take pictures…

I dont know about you guys but that is pretty stupid to let people in a cage with that thing to take pics. I hope they have a insane insurance policy.

I wanted to go there when i went down to Myrtle Beach last year but never made it.

and there ware guys fishing on the beach and one of them cought a nice size shark, (4-5 foot) and everyone freaked out when he let it go.

damn, that gator is sick!

wow thats a big one

yah when I was there last year a guy caught a good size one on the beach.

I tried fishing in the morning at 6am until about 8 and didnt have any luck…we have seen alot of guys catch good size sting rays and flounder.

one of the days i was there ppl spent A WHILE digging a huge hole in the sand on the beach and when the tide went back down in the morning the next day, there was a shit load of fish in the hole… it was prolly 30ft wide and a good 5 feet deep… it was a pretty cool idea.

Dayum, thats a big one!

damn I wish I thought of that lol