Member groups discussion. New group - Shift OG.

I was registered on APG…

I only made like 2 posts I think?

I was like 13-14

I lurked on their a little… but I was young and had no idea what I was doing on a car forum as I never rellly was into it as hard as I am now

i cant be a shift og cuz i had to make a new sn cuz i still have yet to get the reset p/w email

i was Ghost518… or something

that was my socom online name from 2003… man i miss those days :frowning:

also remember swat with dustin … good ol days

swat + good ol days does not compute. swat isn’t old at all.

How about “APG OG”

It’s got a nice ring to it.

That sounds reasonable

alot of people taked shit about the APG forum, I used to lurk, but never posted much. then it went under and people came to and the original AUG.

i remember votblindub was hated at APGforums for the same thing he is here… posting random, dumb pictures… i also remember so many people hating on APG yet they would go on APG’s forums all day long.


i made 2 posts…

apg was usless drama and thats about it.


I used to check out the forums from time to time

but like I said I made 2 posts

and it had to do with my retarted brother…

I was registered the same as I was here but I used Shady195… like I do everywhere else

get off APG’s dick

how is shift518 any different than apg?

We have a tech section :open_mouth:


and we got singh (for the better or worse)

also i dont think i was even on a pc when apg was open, how long ago did they open* up ?

hahaha… remembered my UN on apg… something along the lines of 3kgtfosho :rofl:rofl 3000gt ftw

so true, i still bust on him just as much on this forum as i did on apg.

wait…bring back the saved by the bell crew


haa braces ftw