Member groups discussion. New group - Shift OG.

Messing around with member groups at the moment and as promised I rewarded all the OG members with the according member group creating and assigned the members to it.

Every member that has joined in 07 and has more then 100 posts has the unique member group and some tiny little perks.

Also working on limiting signature sizes for all the members to 500x100 at most.

Also messing around with avatar sizes and max upload sizes.

The old member groups based on posts will be back and them some, such as Shifted into 1st, In Neutral, Grinded Second, Shifted into Second etc, possibly even “money shifted” for certain members.


Can i be shifting god??


where are the member groups?

kind of off topic, but i was wondering if there’s any way to increase the number of PM’s you can have in your inbox/outbox? I have 376 right now and would like to keep many of them as a lot relate to my business and/or have information I’d like to save. I wouldn’t mind paying for a “premium” membership or something, is this possible?

edit: sorry, limit is 1,000…lol

Are you really going to need over 1000? Save some in word or something

Limit is 1000 for OG members, one of the benefits.

Still working out exactly what group, which have which privileges.

At the moment just rewarding the members that have been here from the beginning.

Ahh gotcha… how many PM’s do regular members have?

100, for me at least

I understand what you’re going for with the OG theme, but is there any way I can pay for some kind of premium membership so I can have more than 100? I can go through and delete the ones I don’t need but I’ll still be over 100 and there’ll be a lot more coming this spring/summer.

Plus, I’m at a bit of an age disadvantage. You expect me to have joined shift 518 when I was 15??? :smiley:

what perks do we have?? i’ve noticed none AND I CAN"T GET A SIG IC TO WORK FOR ME!

oh and you that only have 100 pm’s you guys SUCK!

:rofl:rofl:rofl kid is heated

When you were 15? Shift opened in Mid September of 2007, you were 15? You joined ClubRSX in October of 2007. lol

Why not do what Lance said and just make a Word document instead of storing them on here?

True :rofl I didn’t know it opened that late in the year, so I was 16 lol

And it would be more convenient for me to have it all in one spot, plus I’d like to help out the site that has helped me out with a lot of business over the last few months. I mean I could copy/paste the important stuff, but it would be easier to have it here. Not the biggest deal in the world, just something I was curious about.


bunch a hose SHIT in this thread.

wow peeps be hatin in this thread now way to start a war vlad …lol

shift OG, bad ass haha

wow im only 5 months off and i get fucked ,and i didnt even get wet wow

Ha you bitch ass

i dont care really how did the pRTY GO