
Would you guys like to have another, much better setup gallery than the last one?

Allows for you to have your own album, and easy upload pictures to store on the website?

yes please

I would never use it, why wouldn’t anyone just use photobucket?

my suggestion:
Set it up and use it for event pictures. A section for each event instead of each user.

Event pictures will be part of the categories, some of which will consist of user uploaded material others will be dedicated to what you have just mentioned.

Great idea!

vB already has user albums and groups. I think the picture size for the albums should be increased though.

We should probably start having more events to fill up the gallery…

kinda hard when its 17 and 2ft of snow out nicole…


true thats when u organize a shift snowdrifting meet or shift party at elliots house lol

Umm I had a party but I dont think there are any pictures…and there were alot of shift members that attended

I like the member galleries… Or just one for me since I use it to upload all of my pics since I hate having accounts on photo bucket, imageshack, etc…

hmmm didnt get a call …hmmm lol

well stand up and speak some more and maybe we will call you !

no im kidding but there was a topic on shift about it son, mlk bash

we had a good black person celebrating event

Every member has a gallery option right now, but it’s member based and there is no global localized section. Which is if this goes through it would be a separate gallery section wehre everything would be organized and summarized, plus each member would have a much easier time uploading and sorting their galleries.