
So, i profess that we should have some sort of gallery with just pictures…no comments, nothing…just pictures, including categories and what not…but mainly so we just have one big resource of 240 pics…a members cars section category would be good to.

hmm son has a gallery but it is reserved for members only… before anyone could access the gallery. I hope they open it to the public as well some day

that sucks … =[

i want accesss!!! lol

The site is supported by Member Funds.

It’s sad when we add things like the Gallery and no one really uses it :frowning:

yea but that gallery sucks imo

ya we should start a pics section that everybody can see

‘members only’
i thought i was a member? do you need to have a high amount of posts or something?
my stock 91 needs some admiring!!!

Hmm…im not sure if this would be a no no…but i might aswell try.
How bout if i create a gallery up on my server…and we just upload a massive amount of 240’s…aswell as member cars…i’ll make different sections

Sound alright with everyone?

And i wouldnt mind linking it back to SON

yeah…ive tried to use the gally it always messes up on me…maybe have a profile for your piks and what not that wopuld be awsome…postl ike your action piks…projects…ect…be good

Well im pretty fluent with running anything online…so creating a gallery for public wouldnt be hard…and i wouldnt mind doing it either.

Meh, im gonna get to work on it now lol, im bored anyways haha

It’s cause the dam thing doesn’t work…I’ve tried several times to use it but it is buggy…so I said F it.

Well I can’t fix it if I don’t know what the problem is :run:

I uploaded a pic, so did roast, it worked. It can’t just break on its own out of the blue:ugh:

Maybe ill try and find another gallery system. :dunno:

Shamesless plug…

I don’t use the gallery becaue I have my own uploader (free for others to use as well):

Gonad, thanks man! Im definitely going to use this! Is there a transfer limit? Like a cap?

i posted a pic as well and linked it in a thread… non-members said they could not view it.

Well, doesn’t it seem odd that the only people that have been able to upload pics have mod/admin status. Perhaps your permissions are fubar’d.

This is the message I get when I try to upload a pic.