Members' Gallery : Now Open!

The Member’s Gallery is now open and can be accessed at:

Or through the Gallery link up top.

Here are the restrictions available for paid members:

Total space available: 10MB
Total files allowed: 100
Max size per upload: 2MB
Images can only be displayed on SON240SX.ORG and NEO240SX.CA
Anywhere else you will get a Hotlinking warning image (see below).

These are just initial numbers and we may increase the space.

I had to modify the original Photoplog product to suit our needs (primarily adding the total space available) so if you run into any weird issues, please let us know.

Currently the gallery is open to GIF, JPG, and PNG files. Although I may adjust the code later on to allow other file types (so you can upload ZIP, PDF, DOC, etc.)

Since we want to prevent bandwidth and general gallery abuse, we have added the following image that will appear if you try to hotlink the image on other sites other than the ones listed above.

More information on hotlinking:

If you have questions or comments, please post them here.

Jeeze louise people, have some paitence when uploading files.

After hitting submit, wait until it’s uploaded and don’t hit refresh/postback.

Or you’ll end up doing something like this:

Wow. Just wow.

G - why did my pic not upload? I got some que error?

Do the mods approve all images first?

Looks fine to me? :dunno:

Note: I may be moving the path from to

Photoplog just sounds kinda :greddy:

Don’t say I didn’t warn you :o