S13 Silvia, Varietta, 180sx etc etc etc.
Just various cars in different sections, or we can just make 4-5 picture dump threads.
I surf zilvia.net and some other forums to look for pics of silvias, and would rather keep it right here on good ol fkn SON.
October 25, 2005, 10:07pm
Do you mean a “here’s a prime example of a… thread” or more of an “Ok, this is the s14 Kouki thread, post what you have or like” thread?
Would it be a dump type thread or just like a spotters guide?
I would vote for a dump-type thread on each different chassis.
S13 Silvia Pic thread
S13 180sx Pic thread
S14 Zenki pic thread
etc etc.
Just a dump for pics. So if i ever need to look up some cars for ideas, i just scroll through a pic thread.
Minus the chatter like" OMgZ! That car is teh hotness" . Just pics, no chatter.
Im going through Zilvia.net ’s galleries, and its such a poor layout and format, takes me awhile to click on something i like.
Just an idea. Would make things easier, but might take up some bandwidth. Andy and G can look into it.
I like the pic dump thread but make it a policy to not hotlink from other sites. If people find a good pic they should save-as and host themselves.
Too many pic threads go to crap and ultimatley just end up with lots of little red x’s
Good point Dan. I was going to post something similar.
If the admins like the idea, maybe G or someone could even set up something we could use to submit pics to the SON server. Or maybe enable attachements on the forum for this particular section. This way as long as SON stays up, so do the pics.
October 26, 2005, 7:02am
My only concern with that is bandwidth usage. Don’t want to use up too much bandwidth and be charged extra or have hosting suspended.
If we were to go the hotlink route… when aX post was seen, it would be immediatly deleted by a mod.
What section would these threads go into?
My only concern with that is bandwidth usage. Don’t want to use up too much bandwidth and be charged extra or have hosting suspended.
If we were to go the hotlink route… when aX post was seen, it would be immediatly deleted by a mod.
What section would these threads go into?[/quote]
We start a gallery section. Only picture uploads, and nothing else.
How are we doing right now for bandwidth usage? We will get all kinds of traffic if we have a good gallery section.
October 26, 2005, 1:23pm
I am sure there are enough SON funds from memberships to cover a little extra bandwith.
How much is the band with and how much $$$ came in from memberships?
Lets do it, Good idea
October 26, 2005, 2:33pm
I hate the gay ass Gallery we have. I hate it cuz ugly and I hate using it. Period.
I would much rather prefer an Uploader. Only members have access to it
and I can easily write a script to validate to make sure only members can upload.
And the uploader can decide what folders to put it in. Any takers on this
idea or am I just rambling on about reinventing the wheel? :dunno:
October 26, 2005, 2:46pm
Gautum, makes sense. Uploader for members, and members link pictures to the thread.
Teh win
October 26, 2005, 6:51pm
My name is Gautam . Spell it right already. :squint:
October 26, 2005, 7:24pm
I think we should have a thread dedicated to pictures of Marc.
I think people have seen more of me, than they need to.
But i’ll get some new broly pics up. Don’t fret, my pet.
And i agree with Gotham, we should have an uploader.
October 27, 2005, 4:32pm
I can’t stop laughing :noes:
I can’t stop laughing :noes:[/quote]I live to give.