Gallery is almost done, whats next?

If you haven’t noticed the gallery is almost done… just a few more minor details then its done…

but what would you like next? I am thinking about a place where i can host all your car videos?

tell me what you would like to see next!!

naaaaaakkkkkeeeeeddd biatches:D

BTW, gallery is lookin damn good. keep up the good work, and when you guys getting molsen XXX ??

i think it’s awesome… working out great… whitey im me if you want me to help with something. :smiley:

awesome :bowdown:

maybee a place to have each of our pictures so when u look up a person u see there car ?

Originally posted by Silver_WS6
maybee a place to have each of our pictures so when u look up a person u see there car ?

x2, sounds like a good idea to me. :smiley:

incorporate a place to upload a picture into your profile?? kinda like an avatar… is this what you mean

I was think more like a preset home page for each user where the user can maybe upload 5 or so pictures and maybe write about themselves in more depth. Just a thought. I’m sure it would be quite a bit of work.

maybee not 5 pictures but 1-2 to save space. n bandwidth

bandwidth is not a problem… so each member gets his own page type deal

like a page in your profile

exactly, something simple :smiley:

so it could be built into the profile… now what all on it excactly

mod list?

id say 2 pictures, mod list, and maybe a spot where people can rate the cars?

Originally posted by BlkP42E
maybe a spot where people can rate the cars?

haha, i can see this getting out of hand.

yeah screw the rating.

So this pittspeed thingy is sounding more like a club :smiley: :smiley: