Men Who Wear Girls Pants

Lmfao definitely.

This is a good video that shows how I feel about guys who wear girl pants. Guy on the right wears girl pants, guy on the left doesn’t.

Warning: disturbing to pussies and guys who wear girl pants.

ps: why does NYSpeed still not allow youtube video hosting? laaame.

this is the only thing this thread made me think of

there is nothing hardcore about tight pants… nothing…

Why do you fucking care?

im sure it is directly related to newmans honda hate thread.

don frye > you

i take it this thread is for Newman since he wears tight pants?..and strange shoes…and a strange headband thing…hes kinda like a honda the way he dresses…

tight pants usually equal douchebag…douchebags usually own modded hondas(yes i agree a lot of douchebags drive modded hondas)

Here is an idea, just do you. Stop thinking/worrying about how other people carry themselves. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Simple.

^^^^ BINGO!

thats the problem with people, constantly judging other people for what they do or drive or whatever. I dont care if you rock daisy dukes or jencos, but dont push your opinons on others or get a mob mentality against certian people or their hobbies.

i did when i was a sr. in HS, i didnt mind them

I wear the fuck outta my uggs. Best damn footwear I own, (aside from the custom fit plug ski boots I have). “mens beacon boot”. It looks like any other boot/shoe, it’s fucking warm and comfortable, it don’t give a shit what anybody says about these things, buy a pair and talk to me then.

“Not Cool- Your really gay, and you “express” yourself by wearing womens clothes?”

it’s you’re. but either way…

this is really dumb. You’re really dumb

newman’s pants aren’t that tight. there is much worse with the low rise entire ass hanging out b/c they’re 4" too small to fit over their hip bones, dick almost hanging out d-baggery tight pants are quite lame.

now THIS guy is hardcore.


I wear semi girl jeans, does that count?:gotme:


There need to be more girls on this forum for a thread like this. Unless you’re all fggts.

gay. thats all it is. No matter how you ook at it. it’s crossdressing.

Andy if you ever decide to make another thread/post/thought just dont please.
