Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

bbaahhh hummbug lol

You’ll work on christmas day Cratchett!!!

to hell with tiny Tim…!

lmao i dont have a job

plus…cant take a joke…sheesh :stuck_out_tongue: lol

as it was writ many eons ago…

sarcasm shall beget sarcasm!!!:A

psh dont get all shakespearean on me now :stuck_out_tongue: haha

I am sick of the PC crap…

Merry X-Mas everyone. I hope santa brings you everything you wished for.
I wait in hopes that the swedish bikini team will be showing up at the foot of my bed at or around midnight.:slight_smile:



for your sake i hope its the swedish bikini team and not the swedish female bodybuilders team that shows up at the foot of your bed!!!..LOL

nooww i can say it…merry christmas…happy holidays everyone

merri christmas and a happi new year!!!