Messed up the Trans Am a little this morning

had to be at work at 4:30 this morning. I left the house and it was POURING!!! I was on 295 south between DC and Baltimore and was going 20 mph on a major highway cause I kept hydroplaning(sp) So finally I get to the 495/95, the beltway around DC, and almost to work. I came up to a small dip in the road. I got was going bout 40 mph at the time. I hit a HUGE puddle and the front end nose dived into the ground. I could here it scratch the nose of the car. No, it was not just the air dam. Gotta love the Hal’s that lowered the car a little. It was still dark last I saw my car at my work parking lot and kinda scared to look how much damage it did. Hopefully it just ripped the paint off the bottom of the nose. Well, the weather sucked this morning and not gonna be better driving home tonight cause it will be real icy! OK, wasted enough of your time, just wish me luck that it did not demolish the nose

that sucks… but then again, us guys up here in pitts deal with scraping our lips year round… these roads / curbs suck… my lower lip looks like i layed my car on 320 grit sand paper and pushed it around.

best of luck

I hate driving on 495 in the rain. :hs:

Time for the shag wagon to be road worthy…

hope everything is OK…get that damn pimp wagon on the road!!!

Well, I looked at the car last night and the only thing that was wrong with it was paint taken off from the bottom of the front bumber cover and it tore my air dam all to hell. Everything else is fine now. Pimp Wagon will be together VERY shortly. I got a few appointments for it scheduled for 2 weeks from now!!!

thats a hell of a pothole

you brought this thread back to life for what reason?