Messicans are funny. :D

Bear with the video, it’s a little long but the end is worth it. :E

I TOTALLY saw that coming. :E

I actually thought they’d be headed for a carwash - that would also have been pretty damn funny. :E

Thats horrible… but funny as hell!! What an ass!! LOL

damn what a racist

Good idea! lets try it!!!

alright maybe not

Oh MAN!@!!@@!@!!! Racism is HILARIOUS!!! :roll:

That guy was a retard. That wasn’t funny either.

Dude they were illegal immigrants aka criminals. If you drove a bunch of drug dealers in the back of your truck and dropped them off in front of a cop shop dont you think it would be funny?

I did think it was funny - but then again I don’t mind the odd off-color racist joke, though I’m not a racist.

There is a big difference there Dave and you know it. These people are just trying to work to get by. Drug dealers are exploiting their customers and ruining their lives.

Matt would you be singing the same tune if the Mexicans were in Canada illegaly, making money, not paying taxes, and sending cash home to Mexico so it isn’t even put back into the economy? They are there ILLEGALY.

I’m not down with racism, but if there were people in my country taking jobs away from legal citizens, I’d be pissed too.

This vid was posted on and damn near all the guys who live in southern states got a kick out of it. They are sick of having these illegal immigrants in their country. I’m not naive enough to think we don’t have this problem in Canada, but it’s not nearly as bad as in the southern states.

it was funny to see but…

these guys are just trying to make it in life just like everyone else!!

The Americans bring it upon themselves. Many of them refuse to do the menial jobs and others exploit the Mexican’s cheap labour to get the jobs done. I’m not saying it’s a good thing that they are forced to do this, but people take drastic measures when their families are starving to death.