metal detector

anyone by chance have one, my mother lost her wedding ring outside:rolleyes:

use a magnet!

speaking of a magnet, do you or anyone else have a decent sized magnet that I can use to drag around my lawn once I tear off the old garage roof to pick up all the nails?

i’ll do it for $50 :moon:

For $50 the :bj: better be good.

yes, off a speaker!

good idea! I forgot about that.

it wouold have to be a bigass speaker. Or you could get the big ass electric one that Silvrhand keeps wired to his computer in case the FBI busts down his door so at the flip of a switch all the kiddie pr0n on his hard drives will be insta-perma-erased.

use an old speaker magnet

way too fucking small.


Just drive your car around the yard to pick them up. :slight_smile:

I’d throw some tarps down. I know you’ll still get some in the grass, but not as many.