Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


Or I’ll somehow make friends with jaysgreenlx.


Now I know your ulterior motives…and it saddens me.:frowning:

P.S. this looks cool


to whatever tool said sam fisher > *

sam fisher has no storyline to support his gheyness… which makes him 2x as ghey as snake. :slight_smile:



meet me in the parking lot behind the toilet store at 3am sharp. we will settle this once and for all like real men. :eyebrow:

I just got done playing Splinter Cell : Double Agent,such a good game.You really have to play it 2x because of the alternative endings.Has more of a storyline this time around.

Sam Fisher>*
Snake Family>*

Awesome games.:tup:




Look proof!

That was pretty funny :slight_smile:

supposedly MGS4 is comming out for the 360 also. Hideo doesnt like the fact that PS3 doesnt like the no rumble feature for ps3, i heard this a while ago.

Yeah that’s old news. A lot of Playstation only titles decided to release for Xbox because of the lack of rumble pack.


Yeah that’s old news. A lot of Playstation only titles decided to release for Xbox because of the lack of rumble pack.


Yeah except it’s not happening with MGS4.

If this comes out on 360 then I have all the reasons I need to get one.

anyone grab this yet? i think it comes out today

looks good

been playing this for several hours…and wow, gameplay is awesome(well thought out) as expected and the graphics are stunning. A few funny/neat easter eggs already too. For being on the PS3, i have not seen one glitch, slowdown or rendering, it is well made. Small note, after every major mission(few hours), it will take a 2-4 minutes to load different data onto the HDD, but worth it.

fuck i might have to get a ps3 just for this game, son of a bitch

Ugh… now I have to go buy a HDTV… A game worth the graphics to actually purchase one.

dude… i cant even remember how many times i played mgs1, that game was revolutionary at the time

the part where you had to call meryl had me stumped for so long lol… finally im like omg the cd case!!! for the actual game!!! hahah

that game was so good

This game rocks!!!


Picked it up tonight. So far it seems pretty good. It makes me soo tense though.

just got my ps3 today with MGS4 package…can’t wait to play it when I get home tomorrow! :tup:

I’m buying a PS3 solely for this game, ASAP.