Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

if i had the money i would do the same thing. im hoping for a 360 port of this game in the future…highly doubt it though

I’m glad i didn’t give in and buy 360 for halo 3… now i can buy a ps3 for this. :slight_smile:

halo 3 is gay neways. looks like ill have to get a ps3 some day in like long future.

I am 10 hours in, ugh I could not stop playing last night

The game is SOOO good. And if youre a long time Metal Gear fan it ties all the games together so well. 11/10

And just like everyone else I thought Raiden was the biggest flamer ever, However in this game he really steps it up… I hate to say it but I actually like Raiden now?

finally beat this, my first ps3 stoped working half way through the game I had to start over. Don’t give up at the first set of credits.