Metal Gear Solid Philanthropy

So I thought this was kinda cool and worth sharing. This is a fan made movie based off of the metal gear series. Other than their own money had no budget. Honestly this movie is not bad at all considering… Its worth a watch IMO…

The original trailer I saw before I watched the movie dident have any dubbing done to the track… The people doing this have a heavy accent and while I could understand it I guess the guys who made the movie decided to DUB it with voice acting from americans… While this does make it veyr easy to understand theres something about the voice acting being slightly out of sync with the video and how fast the accented actors talked that bugs the shit out of me… In most cases you dont even notice it.

Im going to say this is better than some Direct to DVD’s ive seen with an acctual budget. Imagine if these guys had a hollywood budget…

This was the trailer with the russian or whatever accent they have

THis is the link to the website which has the full move listed on Vimeo or torrent download.

Pretty good for having no budget. Definately alot of CGI going on. Mainly the 2 legged robot creature. None the less, good watch.

is been loaded here all day and I havent watched the whole movie yet but I did watch the short clip tell which wasnt that bad so I will watch it in a little bit

Great stuff!


Nice find Shady.

DL’ing parts 2-4 and I keep getting completion errors. I wanna watch the rest of this shit noaw! :’(


I just signed up so everything should be good by the time I wake up hopefully

Truth, my favorite game series ever

holy shit this is a long movie

EDIT: So I downloaded 2-4 and they are .rar files BUT it wont extract anyone else having this problem?

Did anyone download the single .avi file?